
Finance & Stewardship


The Finance Director, in coordination with the Pastor, Treasurer, money counters and others, helps provide accountability in the church through leading in the development of the church's yearly budget, overseeing budget compliance, and helping evaluate requests for financial aid/benevolence and missions support.  The Finance Director will also promote an emphasis on good stewardship through planning and implementing yearly stewardship campaigns and ongoing stewardship education.

Sunday Morning Bible Studies


Clarkdale Baptist Church offers 3 morning Bible Study classes for adults.  Doug Hulse teaches a mixed couples senior class in room 2. Shan Talbot teaches a class in the Fellowship Hall. Ken Nickell is teaching through Revelation in room 5.

We have children's church after singing, taught by Roxanne Windsor. 

If you have any questions please call the church office on. 928-639-1175

Seniors Ministry Image

Seniors Ministry

The Clarkdale Baptist Church Senior Adult Ministry is under the leadership of Howard & Judith Wysocki. Seniors (and anyone else who wants to come) meet at Noon on the first Thursday of each month for a Fellowship Luncheon. There will be a devotion, a special speaker, musical guests and/or other interesting program activities.  The Senior Ministry group also takes day trips to places of historical interest, as well as picnics and other outdoor outings.   


    Howard & Judith Wysocki, Senior Ministry Leaders


Caring Connections Ministry Image

Caring Connections Ministry

Caring Connections is led by Nancy Maxemchuk, shown here with her husband Tony.

Cards and/or newsletters are sent out monthly to shut-ins and others in need of encouragement.


Music Ministry

A piano and guitars are the principal musical instruments used. The service is a blend of contemporary music and hymns.  

Tom Pifer leads music on Sunday morning
Neal Manzenberger is the choir director. They practice on Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m.

Vacation Bible School


 Crafts, Games, Music and FUN!

WHEN:  June 24-28 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Transportation is available!

For more information call:  928-639-1175 

         Celebration Sunday Program is Sunday following VBS

                         Music, Crafts, games, snacks and learning about Missions round out the week of fun.

Deacon Ministry


Currently, there are 3 active, ordained deacons at Clarkdale Baptist Church.  In addition to supporting and assisting the Pastor, and church family visitation, the deacons manage the church's Benevolence Ministry, which provides assistance to the needy in our church.                

 The Deacon chair is Doug Hulse with his wife Carol
Deacon Steve Rydberg and his wife Carol.
 Deacon Doug Meyer and his wife Barb

Church Hospitality Ministry

 The Clarkdale Baptist Church Hospitality Ministry, under the leadership of Church Hostess, Judith "Judy" Wysocki, pictured below, oversees and facilitates all kinds of social activities of the church, including churchwide fellowship meals, as well as arranging hospitality meals & housing for visiting evangelists, etc.